Barnes and noble tampa
Barnes and noble tampa

I’d rather get all my books from Amazon, than to deal with people who are so rude. Apparently the only thing you have to be good at is being rude to customers.

barnes and noble tampa

It seems that nowadays anyone can work in a bookstore. Again, another blank stare and another what? When I worked in bookstores, and I worked in two different ones, we were tested on our knowledge of literature and our people’s skills. I explained yet again about the books, because I couldn’t remember the title of the series, but I explained to her that they usually have some stickers on the front cover that advise parents as to the level of the books. I asked her about certain books for young readers, and she stared at me blankly before asking: What? Seriously, B &N, train your employees to at least pretend to have good manners. I went into the children’s area and miraculously found one of their employees there. I’ve had to go and search for people to help me, and when I’ve found one of their employees they always make me feel as if I’m keeping them from doing something else. Each and every time that I’ve been to the store, it seems that when you need help, you have to fend for yourself. We come here at least once a month to buy new books for my sons and myself. This has got to be the store with the worst customer service in Tampa. Buy a book, buy a magazine, support this business. Come before they decide to retire this facility. I happily spent an hour here walking amongst the bookselves with chilled coffee in hand. Loads of friendly folks around to help you find something if you needed help.

barnes and noble tampa

They also have the media center is back and loads of DVDs. They actually have folks just chilling, talking, sippin coffe with croissant in hand. This place is luckily not swamped with students that hog the area like a library. They have a Starbucks attached to it and a café area for readers to chill. Anyway, this is your standard BnN but these stores are getting more and more special by the day. Something about the smell or feel of a real book and cracking the spine and fresh printed paper. Never have been and prolly will not until they run out of paper books.

Barnes and noble tampa